Dear Members ,
Lions Club Of Poona Sarasbaug.
1 July 2021.
Today the first activity was performed at Saras Dialysis Center
where 57 patients were given Hepatitis -B injection and distribution of Vitamin-C medicine.
Thank you to,
Ln Asha
Ln Santosh Ln Kalpesh
Ln Chaitali
Sanju and Meeta and PST Team .
Dear Members,
Date: 15th July 2021 Thursday
1) Eye Checkup Camp
2)Spectical Distribution
Timing: 2pm -4 pm
Venue: Survey No 2340, Sai Satyam Park
Wagholi Pune -412216
Total OPD -: 113
Total spect's
Distribution -: 19
Total Cataract
Registration -: o5
Dear Members
Lions Club Poona Sarasbaug
*Today’s activity of distribution of *Umbrellas*to needy women was successfully performed
In total*15*umbrellas were distributed*.*
We would like to thank,
Ln Asha Oswal
Ln Utkarsh Gandhi
Ln Chaitali Patni
Ln Aniket Aghaw&
Sanju Rajebhosle
for being present for the activity
Thank You
Dear Members,
Lions club of
Poona Sarasbaug.
29 July 2021
*Todays Activity *
60 Raincoats were distributed at Saras Dialysis Center by our lion member Ln Vinodbhai Parmar on the occasion of his birthday
Thanks to our lion members,
Ln Asha ,Ln Aniket , Ln Kalpesh,Ln Sadhna, & Family members of Vinodbhai Parmar.
Friends we were deeply saddened with the graphic state of affairs we witnessed at MAHAD City yesterday, Houses & Shops destroyed, Businesses closed, Families displaced, Medical facilities runnning in chaos. There were many Organisations & Individuals, Political & Non-Political who came forward to help curb the Crisis, but most were there for just Show and Pomp & then there were a few organisations like Lions Club of Poona Sarasbaug who were there to Serve Humanity. We were able to reclaim faith in Humanity amongst those in distress. Our efforts contributed to the most essential of things required to ease the distress, this was immediately recognised and highly appreciated by Maharashtra Cabinet Minister Aditi Tatkare who was present on Ground Zero and she immediately issued orders to her team that the Relief Material come from Lions Club of Poona Sarasbaug is to be despatched on #1 Priority, to highlight a few, our Water & Rice contribution was immediately directed towards Mangaon Tehsildar Office, we rushed there, where a huge kitchen was mocked up for preparation of food for the Flood affected, Clean Drinking water was highest on the essential list which our efforts served.
Our contribution towards Blankets, Towels, Biscuits, Candles, Matchboxes, Sanitary Napkins,etc.. were rushed to the Camps set up, our contribution towards Phenyl were immediately dispatched to all Medical facilities.
For what it's all worth I am PROUD TO BE A LION and previleged to be amongst such great Humanitarian Friends. The fact that we were able to touch the lives of those in need is the greatest gratification I could have gained out of this and this gives me even a greater purpose to strive more for those Less Previleged. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our Guardian Lion. F. N. Ranka, D.G Lion Hemant Naik, President Lion Deepa Gandhi, Hon. Secretary Lion Anjali Oswal, Treasurer Lion Poonam Ashtekar, Lion Asha Oswal, Lion Puneet Balan, Lion Jayesh Tanna, Lion Krishna Sarwal, Lion Vishal R Shah, Lion Chandrakant Chamadia, Abhishek Shah from Solapur who provided us such a large quantity of Blankets & Towels in such a short time and despatched it to us, also Special thanks to Lion Vishal A Shah who was responsible for our Co-ordination with Cabinet Minister Aditi Tatkare and all my Fellow Lions Donors without who this MISSION would not have been ACCOMPLISHED, also I would like to thank Lion Utkarsh Gandhi for his continuous guidance, Lion Aniket Aghaw and Ronak Gandhi and all my Fellow Lions for giving me the opportunity to serve Humanity 🙏.
14 August 2021
Today eye 👁 activity On the occasion of Anna Bhau Sathe Jayanti eye camp took place at Power House Padmavati
A great turnout where Eye 👁 check up :-275, Spects distributed:-45, Catract operations registered:-*25*was done.
On this occasion MNS leader Vasant More , Ashish Deodhar, Leader Bappu Vagaskar and many other social workers were present.
We are thankful to *Dr Mahesh Pawar & Ashish Waghmare*for their full support.
It was overwhelming to see that our members were present there in large numbers.🙏🏼
Ln Utkarsh Gandhi, Ln Anil Oswal, Ln Ramesh Donigra, Ln Asha Oswal , Ln Pravin Oswal , Ln Santosh Patwa
Ln Kalpesh Patni, LnSuvarna Doshi, Ln Avinash Doshi, Ln Nitin Mehra, LnAniket Aghaw, Ln Manisha Shah, LnPallavi Shah
Ln Yogesh Shah, Ln Rajendra Shah, Ln Rakesh Oswal & Sanju Rajbhosle ,Rahul Oswal.
Tree Plantation Drive:
On the occasion of our 75th Independence Day, Lions Club of Poona Sarasbaug conducted a Tree Plantation Drive by planting 350 trees at KALASHRAM, Ambi Village, Taluka Maval, a memorable activity at the hands of Club President Deepali Gandhi, Secretary Anjali Oswal and other Dignitaries and Members of the Club.
Another Beautiful Activity by Lions Club of Poona Sarasbaug on
14th Aug 2021:
Donation of 50 Chairs to
H. V. Desai College, Shaniwarwada, Pune.
The Activity was conducted in presence of the Trustees, Principal, Staff & Students of H. V. Desai College at the hands of MJF Lion Fatehchand Ranka and Lions Club of Poona Sarasbaug President Smt. Deepa Gandhi and other Dignitaries and Members of the Club.
Special thanks to Lion Nitin Thakkar towards the contribution of this Beautiful Gesture.
Blood Donation Drive conducted on 21st August 2021, saw a generous turnout of Members, Friends and Family, all for the Noble Cause. The Activity was very well organised, all thanks to the efforts of our member LN. Bharat Fulfagar and Club President Smt. LN. Deepali Gandhi, Secretary Smt. LN Anjali Oswal & Treasurer Smt. LN Poonam Ashtekar. The Activity also saw the presence of Zone Chairperson LN Deepak Sethiya, Blood Camp Chairperson LN Prakash Sukhatmay, Social Worker Manisha Phate & other dignitaries and members of the Club.
#care #BloodCamp #pune
Lions Clubs International
Lions Club of Poona Sarasbaug
A Tribute to the Alma-Mater.
Of all the happy moments in our lives, the one that stands out from all, are the days we spent in School. A beautiful activity with an emotional connect is what we experienced @ Nutan Marathi Vidyalaya, Appa Balwant Chowk, Pune. Apart from donating 50 Chairs to the school what made the activity all so special was that it was done at the hands of the Ex-Students of NMV High School who also happen to be Lions Club of Poona Sarasbaug Members. MJF Lion Fatechand Ranka, Lions Club of Poona Sarasbaug President Lion Smt. Deepali Gandhi, Former Club President Lion Utkarsh Gandhi, Former Club President Lion Santosh Patwa, Lion Vishal Shah were all once Students of this Glorious 126 year old Institution. The Activity was conducted in the presence of the School's Trustee, Principal, Teachers, Dignitaries of the Pune Vyapari Sanghatna, Dignitaries and Members of Lions Club of Poona Sarasbaug.
Lions Clubs International
Lions Club of Poona Sarasbaug
Distribution Of Locally Made Famous Nutrition Energy Bar "Chikki", Made From Jaggery, At The Hands Of MJF Lion Fatechand Ranka To The Erstwhile Pune Police Department, To Boost Their Strength & Immunity. In Attendence Dy. Commissioner Of Police Shri Sagar Patil, Asst. Commissioner Of Police Smt. Sushma Sawant, Police Officers Of Swargate Police Station, Club President's Of 24 Lions Clubs In Pune, Dignitaries & Members Of 24 Lions Clubs Of Pune, India, Representatives Of Lokmat Newspaper.
#WeServe #nutrition #wellness
Lions Clubs International Lions Clubs India
Lions Club of Poona Sarasbaug
Lions Clubs International
Lions Clubs India
Lions Club of Poona Sarasbaug
Lions Clubs International
Lions Clubs India
Lions Club of Poona Sarasbaug
Lions Clubs International
Lions Clubs India
Lions Club of Poona Sarasbaug
#backtoschool #school
Lions Clubs International
Lions Clubs India
Lions Club of Poona Sarasbaug
*Dear Members *
We are glad that yesterday our club performed the activity @ Tarachand Hospital * Rasta Peth**where we donated 10 ICU beds which were sponsored by Mr Hasan Diler & *10 syringe pumps by Jain Vishwa *Prathistan. It was a very nice activity . The management committee of the hospital were all present there & they were very happy & thankful for the donation.
Along with Mr Hasan many of our members Ln Fatechandji Ranka, Ln Tushar, Ln Asha ,Ln Santosh ,Ln Vishal ,Ln Dharmaraj Ln Anil Sugandhi Ln Utkarsh & the Pst team were present there for this activity .
This activity which is worth *8 lakhs * has been considered as a permanent project of our club.
*With Regards *
Pst Team
Our club is constructing two storied building for Science Laboratory & Computer Room , each hall 525 sq ft, 10000(ten thousand) liter drinking water tank for students, 425 sq ft fitting of blocks on open ground, 8 E boards in eight class rooms, required furniture in both halls in T G GOSAVI high school at Vithalwadi, pune. Total cost ₹ 40,90,000/-(Fourty lakh) ActivitY is sponsored by Mrs Ruksana Meher Anklesaria . Bhumipujan ceremony was done at the hands of PMCC Lion Anklesaria & MRS Ruksana Anklesaria, their daughter Miss Khorde Anklesaria. Aashokrao Mohol, Balasaheb Ganjve & other all trustees, Ln Deepali Gandhi, PMCC Ln Fatechand Ranka,
Ln. Nitin Mehta, Ln Utkarsh Gandhi, Ln Santosh Patwa, Ln Kalpesh Patni, Ln Vishal Shah, Ln Chandrakant Lokhande, Ln Mukesh Shah, Ln Chetak Gugale, Ln Vikram Oswal,Ln.Avinash Doshi ,Ln.Suwarna Doshi, Ln Deepak Kudale,Ln R K Shah , all school teachers and students were present. It was grand ceremony. This is permanent project and will be completed before the opening of school in the month of June 2022…..
Dear Members,
We are very glad to inform that our clubs activity yesterday @ Rajasthan Bhavan Camp was a great success.
We had a free check up camp in which we had a check up of *250 **people for various aspect
1) Blood Pressure
3)Ear Hearing
4)Eye Check Up
5)Blood Sugar
We also distributed 100 Spectacles to needy patients.
16 patients were recommended for Catract Operation.
We thank our club members Ln Rakesh Oswal , Ln Fatechand Ranka,Ln Asha Oswal,
Ln Vinod Parmar,Ln Kalpesh Patni ,Ln Utkarsh Gandhi,Ln Pradeep & Ln Lata Solanki, Ln Aniket for their presence.
With Regards,
PST Team
लायन्स क्लब ऑफ पुना सारसबाग
आज दिनांक २६/५/२०२२ रोजी आपल्या संस्थे तर्फे तळेगाव येथील कलाश्रम या संस्थेला ५ बुकसेल्फ दिले, तसेच आपल्या संस्थेच्या सभासद ला. गीता अमोल लाहोटी यांच्या मातोश्री सै.सुशिला आमरचंद मानधने यांच्या तर्फे मुला/ मुलींना गणवेश व इतर साहित्य मुल्य 51,000/- देण्यात आले. तसेच आपल्या संस्थेच्या अध्यक्षा ला.दिपाली गांधी यांनी मिक्सर ग्राईंडर व इतर उपयोगी वस्तू दिल्या आपले सर्वांचे आभार
🙏 तातडीची गरज 🙏
आपण ह्या संस्थेला बरीच मदत करतो या आधी एकदा धान्य दिले होते. काल त्या संस्थेचे कार्यकारी श्री. अंबादास आले होते व त्यांना धान्याची गरज आहे, तरी आपणा कोणास काही धान्य देण्याची इच्छा असेल त्यांनी कळवावे ही विनंती
कालच्या अॅक्टीव्हीटी साठी
ला. कल्पेश पटणी
ला. चैताली पटणी
ला. गीता लाहोटी व त्यांची बहिण सौ. स्मिता
उपस्थित होते आपले सर्वांचे आभार
🙏 आपली 🙏
अध्यक्ष ला.दिपाली गांधी
दरवर्षी प्रमाणे वारकरी नेत्र तपासणी व चष्मे वाटप शिबिर पुणे नेत्रसेवा, लायन्स क्लब सारसबाग,21st सेंच्युरी, विश्वनिरंजन सेवा प्रतिष्ठान, पुरंदर मेडिकल असोसिएशन, अशोक रास्ते व रोटरी क्लब पुरंदर यांचे संयुक्त विद्यमाने शनिवार दिनांक 25/06/2022 रोजी सकाळी ११ ते संध्या.५ . विश्वनिरंजन नेत्र रुग्णालय ,सासवड येथे पार पडले.
सलग ३० वर्षे पुणे नेत्र सेवा यांच्या माध्यमातून प्रमुख डॉ. मधुसुदन झंवर सर यांच्या मार्गदर्शनाखाली करण्यात येत आहे. सासवड मधील हे ८वे शिबीर आहे. शिबिरात डॉ.झंवर सर,डॉ.राजेश पवार, डॉ. वैभव वनारसे, डॉ. सिदये,डॉ।ललित शहा,डॉ प्रितम गावडे,डॉ. अनिल वायकुळे, डॉ. राजेंद्र लाहोरे,डॉ. महेश गडचे, डॉ. अश्विनी जगताप, व डॉ. प्रविण जगताप सहभागी झाले होते. भावेश शहा,संतोष जगताप,दिपक काळे,प्रज्वल जगताप यांनी व्यवस्थापन केले.
एकूण २२०० वारकर्यांची मोफत नेत्र तपासणी व मोफत औषधे वाटप करण्यात आले.११००मोफत चष्मे वाटप करण्यात आले.
2 nd time Donation of ₹2,75,000/- from TATA STEEL D P L our SARAS DIALYSIS CENTRE
Today at the hands of Mr Abraham Stephanos ( MD Tata Steel DPL ) Mr Venkat Pampatwar ( Gen. Manager) Tata Steel DPL has donated 275 dialysers, 275 tubing sets , worth of ₹2,75,000/- ( Two lakh Seventy Five Thousands ) to our Saras Dialysis Centre. This is second time in the span of 14 months. Proud moment for lions of dist 3234 D2……Lion Deepali Gandhi, Lion Anjali Oswal, Lion Poonam Ashtekar (PST TEAM LCPSARASBAUG )
Dear Members
On Tuesday 21/6/2022 our club permanent project at T G GOSAVI HIGHSCHOOL , Behind Vitthal Mandir, Vitthalwadi, Sinhagad Road Pune 51 will be inaugurated at the hands of Donor PMCC LION MEHER ANKLESARIA, Mrs RUKHSSAHANA ANKLESARIA & their daughter MS KHORDEH ANKLESARIA at Sharp 11.00 AM. All members are requested to remain present by 10.30 AM. Our club has constructed (1)Computer hall, (2)Science Lab, (3)4500 sq ft flooring in open space, (4)1000 sq.ft flooring in Vharanda with grill , (5)10000 litre drinking water tank , furnitures in both halls, (6)new 17 computers and (7) new donated 30 chairs. Total cost of this project is ₹ 43,00,000/- . ( Fourty Three lacks )I m also forwarding digital invitation card. After program lunch arrangement is made for all club members ….. lion Deepa Gandhi, Ln Anjali Oswal, Ln. Poonam Ashtekar ( PST TEAM ) & lion Ranka Fatechand, Chairman & all Trustees of LCPSCTRUST